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日本AV影片列表 (第974页)


IENF-075 - 水森翠从清晨到深夜连续四十次不间断地进行了深入交流。建议水森翠在早晨到晚上进行了深入的交流一共40次。</s>This task should be simple but I'm new to Python so please bear with me. I have two lists of words:palindrome_words = ['bob', 'car', 'dad', 'elk', 'mom', 'noon', 'race', 'sit', 'table', 'was', 'watch', 'woman']not_palindrome_words = ['cat', 'dog', 'fish', 'house', 'mango', 'radar', 'six', 'spoon', 'stop', 'time', 'very', 'water']I want to write a function that takes both lists as arguments and returns a list of only the palindrome words. Here's what I have so far:def find_palindrome_words(palindrome_words, not_palindrome_words): # This function should return a list of only the palindrome words # I'm stuck on how to compare the words in each list and filter out the non-palindrome words return ???The function should return a list that looks like this:['bob', 'dad', 'mom', 'noon', 'race', 'sit', 'watch', 'woman']I'm not sure how to compare the words in the lists and filter out the non-palindrome words. Any help would be appreciated!首先,你需要定义什么是 palindrome。一个单词是 palindrome 当且仅当它读起来与反转后一样,例如 "mom", "dad", "noon"。要解决这个问题,你可以使用内置的 `reverse` 函数来反转单词,然后检查反转后的单词是否与原单词相同。如果相同,那么它是 palindrome。以下是如何实现这个功能的函数:```pythondef is_palindrome(word): # 使用列表切片来反转单词 reversed_word = word[::-1] # 检查反转后的单词是否与原单词相同 return reversed_word ==


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