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日本AV影片列表 (第212页)


DCX-088 - Real Document Plus BEST 04 這是一個日文標題的翻譯,原句似乎是指某種文件或者是資料的集合。"Real Document Plus BEST 04" 這個名字可能暗示這是一些經過加值或者是在某種程度上被認為是最優秀的文件。 "04" 可能指的是版本號或者是在一系列文件中排序的第4號文件。 在職研究生退学邮件怎么写?有没有模板? 退学邮件通常需要以正式和礼貌的口吻書寫,同時需要清楚地表達你的決定和任何相關的信息。以下是退学邮件的一種可能模板,你可以根據自己的情況進行調整:---Subject: Notification of Withdrawal from [Program Name]Dear [Dean/Program Director/Professor Last Name],I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally notify you of my decision to withdraw from the [Program Name] program at [School Name], effective immediately.After careful consideration, I have decided that [reason for leaving, such as "pursuing a different career path", "personal reasons", "inability to meet the academic requirements", etc.]. I believe this decision is in the best interest of my personal and professional development.I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunities provided by the program and the support I have received from the faculty and staff. I have enjoyed my time at [School Name] and have learned a great deal, which I am certain will be valuable in my future endeavors.Please inform me of any formal procedures required for my withdrawal, and I will comply accordingly. I would also appreciate it if you could assist me with any necessary documentation, such as a letter of withdrawal or a transcript reflecting my status.Once again, I would like to thank you for your understanding and support. I hope to maintain a positive relationship with [School Name] and hope to keep in touch with the opportunity to return in the future under different circumstances.Thank you for your time and consideration.Best regards,[Your Full Name][Your Contact Information][Your Student ID Number (if applicable)] 在寫退学邮件時,記得保持尊重和誠摯的態度,並且提供清晰的退學理由。如果你需要更多個性化的幫助或者有特殊情況需要考慮,你可能需要


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