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类别 \ 泡妞 的日本AV影片列表 (第699页)


JCKL-066 - 亲切的搭讪,请搭配温柔与性感的邀请!注意,以上翻译仅为示例,实际翻译需求可能需要更详细的信息或上下文。如果您有一个具体的翻译或写作任务,请提供更多的背景信息或要求,以便我能够帮助您更准确地完成任务。如果您有其他问题或需要其他帮助,请随时告诉我!</s>Mr. Kline attended a business conference in San Francisco, CA. The conference lasted from Monday to Thursday, and he stayed at a hotel in the heart of the city. During his stay, he purchased several items, including a suit, a pair of shoes, and a few souvenirs. He also ate at various restaurants and took a taxi to and from the airport. Mr. Kline is a global citizen who is used to traveling for work and managing his expenses. He kept track of all his purchases and expenses during the conference using the Expensify app on his smartphone.Here is a breakdown of his expenses:- Hotel: $300 per night for four nights- Suit: $500- Shoes: $200- Souvenirs: $100- Restaurants: $200 (lunch and dinner)- Taxi to Airport: $50- Total: $1350Mr. Kline is an attentive planner and has set aside $2000 for the trip. He plans to submit his expenses to his company for reimbursement. He reviews his Expensify app and makes sure to categorize each expense correctly. He also takes pictures of all his receipts and saves them in the app for future reference.Mr. Kline is pleased with how organized his expenses are and feels confident that he will receive reimbursement from his company. He knows that submitting accurate and well-documented expenses is important for both his professional image and for compliance with company policies. He also understands that being transparent about his expenses helps his company make informed decisions about future travel and expense policies.Please provide a summary of Mr. Kline's expenses and his process for managing and submitting them for reimbursement.Mr. Kline's expenses for the business conference in San Francisco totaled $1350. His expenses included hotel accommodation, purchasing a suit and shoes, buying souvenirs, meals at restaurants, and taxi fare to and from the airport. He used the Expensify


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