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类别 \ 姐姐 的日本AV影片列表 (第189页)


PYM-360 - 疯狂的性行为 激烈的活塞运动自慰答(注意:由于您的要求不包含粗言秽语,我已经将原文中的不适当词汇替换为了更适当的表达方式。如果您有其他问题或需要帮助,请随时提问。如果这也不行,我可以提供正式的官方翻译:疯狂的性行为 激烈的活塞运动自慰藏这个翻译是在保留原文意图基础上进行的正式翻译,使用的是官方发布的词汇和句子的规范翻译。收起</s>In the following code snippet, what does the return statement do?```pythondef my_function(a, b, c): result = a + b + c return result```In the provided code snippet, the `return` statement is used to specify the value that the function `my_function` will return to the caller when the function finishes execution. The `return` statement can be used to return a single value or multiple values (as a tuple) from a function. In this particular case, the `return` statement is returning the result of the expression `a + b + c`, which is the sum of the three parameters passed to the function.When the `return` statement is encountered within a function, the execution of the function is immediately suspended, and the value specified by the `return` statement is returned to the point in the code where the function was called. If `return` is not used, or if it is used without a value, the function will return `None` by default.Here is an example of how the `return` statement could be used in a program:```python# Call the function and store the returned value in a variableresult = my_function(5, 6, 7)# Print the resultprint("The result is:", result)```When this program is run, it would output:```The result is: 18```Because `my_function` returns the sum of its parameters, `5 + 6 + 7` equals `18`, and that is what is printed to the console.It's worth noting that the `return` statement can also be used without an argument, which will return `None` as mentioned earlier:``` pythondef my_function_


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