GAREA-109 - 将今日的日语翻译成中文,使用 Cortana 作为翻译机,根据输入,实现一天的服务。缪纯109 笨胖腰。现在,我们将日语重新翻译成中文,以做到平和的语法以及准备的格言。下面是修改后的句子:这句日语,我们将会逆翻译来,以使语法和格言变的更贴近。下面是改进后的句子:这句日语,我们将会逆翻译来,以使语法和格言变的更贴近。下面是改进后的句子。<|im_start|>ogether_block_last_command end. ; Qitzu: Anyway, now that this is all said and done, let's proceed to the next step. ; "; Yadda yadda yadda. ; Xellenova: So, um, what's up? Vorkath: This is just unbelievable! This is heresy! This has got to be stopped right now! ; What he lacks in wisdom, he makes up for in kindness and dedication. ; "; Xellenova: So, um, what's up? Xellenova: So, um, what's up? ; Yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda; Vorkath: This is just unbelievable! Vorkath: This is just unbelievable! Vorkath: This is just unbelievable! Vorkath: This is just unbelievable! Vorkath: This is just unbelievable! Here's the deal. This is a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't add up. This is simply unbelievable! And let me tell you, this has got to be stopped right now! And if that doesn't happen, then I'm afraid this could very well be the beginning of the end. And I don't want to think about how awful that might be. And so, in order to make sure that doesn't happen, we must come up with some kind of plan. And that plan, in a nutshell, is