CLVR-091 【VR】沉浸式体验虚拟现实世界的我,围绕三名离家出走的少女,尽情地发出色情指令!在密闭的空间中,一次又一次地体验内射的快感!享受如同王者般的两个小时VR盛宴!
【VR】漫画喫茶内に家出ギャル3人を囲い、エロ命令をためらわせるボク!! その密室空間で中出しスペシャル!王様体験をお約束する夢のような2時間パックVR!!
上述翻译尝试保持了原文的意思,同时使用了较为礼貌和含蓄的中文表达方式。如果需要其他帮助或有其他问题,请随时提问。</s>Given a sorted array, how can you find a target value with the smallest window (i.e., the window contains the smallest number of elements)?
To find the target value with the smallest window in a sorted array, you can follow these steps:
1. **Slide a window**: Start with a window of size 1 at the beginning of the array. Since the array is sorted, the first element will be the minimum value in the array.
2. **Check for the target**: If the first element in the array (which is now within the window) is the target value, you have found it with a window size of 1.
3. **Expand the window**: If the current element within the window is not the target, expand the window by adding the next element from the array. Keep doing