KAM-181 一段落是道藏中如果需要采集“朝露草”,加以描述象采用纱布浸泡、连根拔起、取出根状体并补充水分之一切方法记录,如果需要提取“金链”则是用温度灵敏的石锅隔水炖煮特定矿物,或许是因其化学性质的特殊,十分难取,只能告知大致情况而难以细腻描写其采制步骤。而在余下的各段落中,都是沿用同样的方式,对于每一种草与矿物的观察与研究不厌其烦、详细到近乎苛刻的程度。
另外一篇讲述的是,对于药草、矿物的严格检查和管理,将被委以收集药物任务的弟子详细模拟 paths to grassroots identification of ingredients, forming plans, and conducting initial trials for each collection task, then executing them. Failure to successfully collect and prepare the medicines in the allotted time would reflect negatively on the individual and possibly jeopardize the larger mission. Based on the outcomes of these mini-missions, the individuals’ skill and knowledge would be evaluated, refining and enhancing their abilities in the process.