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Ai Kurosawa Movies List (Page 3)


MDL-401 - Interrupted gentle embraces and passionately shared youth 黒沢愛xCOCOLOA new relationship begins as the merciless darkness of night wraps around them, cocooned within the empty spaces of daylight hours where their dreams linger on, just waiting for the touch that ignites the spark, sizzling between their tongues like a bolt of electricity with a voice that can shatter crystal vases with a single exhale, these two have entered the labyrinth of darkness filled with shadowsy figures keeping watch over their tender glow, somewhere in the cavern, undetected by any noise or vibration, exists an ephemeral sign waiting for them to uncover the secret moment between each other, a moment never to be relived but also never to be forgotten, where their souls intertwined like twisted vines growing up along the tangled branches of destiny leading them onward into the great unknown, lured by the enigmatic melody of desire taking hold within this sapphire sea of excitement, they'll continue plunging deeper and deeper into this mysterious haven, discovering new treasures along the way as they embark upon their own epic tale set against the backdrop of time - an eternal love story etched into their souls like its very essence had been sculpted within the marrow of their bones, it whispered secrets only they could hear as it danced a lullaby laced with longing beneath the flickering lantern glow guiding them straight towards its waiting arms, and so it came to be that they stood there together, hand in hand, hearts beating in unison as one, bound by the promise of the life they would share, and with the release of a silent sigh, they stepped across the threshold into the forgotten world, ready to explore the vast expanse of love that lay before them waiting to be found.

31 Aug 2005

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