VINVIN-204 1. What is your favorite vegetable to eat? 2. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? 3. Who is your favorite actor or actress? 4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do? 5. Have you ever been to a foreign country before? 6. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to the most? 7. What is your dream job/career? 8. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 9. Do you prefer listening to music or watching movies? 10. Have you ever tried any exotic foods?
Release Date
Movie Length
65 minutesNormal
Studio / Producer
Popularity Ranking
419885 / 511776
Other Names
vinvin204, VINVIN204, VINVIN 204
Actress Body Type
Average Height, Curvy, Sexy
SubRip (SRT file)
Copyright Owner
Behind The Scenes (7 Photos)
Pricing & Formats
Subtitles & Translations
English Subtitles
Chinese Subtitles
Japanese Subtitles
French Subtitles