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SHKD-726 English DVD Cover 123 minutes

SHKD-726 Beautiful office lady falls ... Yua Sasamoto

14 Jan, 2017123 mins

Release Date

14 Jan, 2017

Movie Length

123 minutesLong


Hiromichi Miyase

Studio / Producer



2502 times

Popularity Ranking

3174 / 459671

Other Names

shkd00726, SHKD726, SHKD 726

Total Actresses

1 person

Actress Body Type

Average Height, Curvy, Sexy






English, Chinese(.srt / .ass)

Copyright Owner


Behind The Scenes (14 Photos)

SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 00:00:00 - 00:10:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 00:10:00 - 00:20:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 00:20:00 - 00:30:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 00:30:00 - 00:41:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 00:41:00 - 00:51:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 00:51:00 - 01:01:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 01:01:00 - 01:11:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 01:11:00 - 01:22:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 01:22:00 - 01:32:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 01:32:00 - 01:42:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 01:42:00 - 01:52:00SHKD-726 JAV Films English - 01:52:00 - 02:03:00

Featured Actress: Yurara Sasamoto

Birthday: 14 Oct, 1994
Zodiac: Libra
Cup Size: E (Natural)
Height: 163 cm
Measurements: 86-55-85
Blood Type: -

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Pricing & Formats

Streaming (HD/4k) ¥300

Standard (480p) ¥980

HD (720p) ¥1270

iOS (360p) ¥980

Android (360p) ¥980

Subtitles & Translations

English Subtitles

Chinese Subtitles

Japanese Subtitles

French Subtitles

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the code SHKD-726 mean?

Every Japanese adult video has a 'JAV code' (identification number) that represents each unique video that's produced.

In this case, 'SHKD' refers to the producer's video series (category), and '726' refers to the episode number.

Is there an uncensored version for this movie?

Unfortunately not. At this point in time, there isn't an uncensored version for SHKD-726 JAV.

In fact, all movies produced and sold by Momotaro Eizo production studio are censored.

Where can I download the full verison of this movie?

Click the 'Download' button on the top of this page to purchase and instantly download SHKD-726's complete movie from the official seller's website (DMM).

There are 2 pricing options to buy this movie from the official website. The first is a single-video purchase (depending on resolution), where you can download or stream the complete movie after making your payment. The second is a membership for a fixed monthly price, where you can download an unlimited number of videos after subscribing.

I want to download the free preview trailer for this video. Is this possible?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to download the free preview trailer for SHKD-726.

You can however, watch the free preview trailer by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking the 'PLAY' button.

Do you provide subtitles for this movie?

Yes we do. We currently provide the following subtitles in .srt file format for SHKD-726:
  • English Subtitles
  • Chinese Subtitles

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