HomeVideos20241113 Kobo/MousouzokuMidori Fujisawa 藤沢みどりKBMS-159
KBMS-159 Erotic and smelly wife Mito Kōmon, Mito Komon is the name of a Japanese drama series. Mito Kōmon is a traditional Japanese drama series, and its main character is a fictional samurai named Mito Komon, who travels across Japan to help others, solve conflicts, and restore justice. The series has a long history, and it first aired in the late 1960s, with over 1000 episodes being produced so far. Mito Komon is known for his unique style, which includes wearing a striking yellow outfit with a red cloak. Along with his two loyal retainers, he uses his solid skillset to make life better for common people and uncover mysteries.
Release Date
Movie Length
117 minutesNormal
Juzo Kobayashi 小林十三
Studio / Producer
Popularity Ranking
268753 / 510410
Other Names
kbms00159, KBMS159, KBMS 159
Total Actresses
1 person
Actress Body Type
Average Height, Curvy, Sexy
SubRip (SRT file)
Copyright Owner
Behind The Scenes (12 Photos)
Featured Actress: Midori Fujisawa 藤沢みどり
Pricing & Formats
HD (720p) ¥1270
Standard (480p) ¥980
Streaming (HD/4k) ¥300
iOS (360p) ¥980
Android (360p) ¥980
Subtitles & Translations
English Subtitles
Chinese Subtitles
Japanese Subtitles
French Subtitles