HomeVideos2011SOD CreateRiko YamaguchiSTAR-255
STAR-255 National idol Yamaguchi Riko to debut with SOD! Debut with extremely minimal digital mosaic! (注:"SOD" は "Soft on Demand" の略称、日本のアダルトビデオ製作会社の名称です。 (Note: "SOD" stands for "Soft on Demand", the name of a Japanese adult video production company. 山口理子は日本の有名なアイドルですが、SODとのコラボを発表し、非常にミニマルなデジタルモザイクでのアダルトビデオのデビューを予定しています。 Yamaguchi Riko is a well-known idol in Japan who has announced a collaboration with SOD and is scheduled to debut in adult videos with extremely minimal digital mosaic. 彼女のファンはこのコラボの詳細を楽しみにしています。 Her fans are looking forward to the details of this collaboration. ファンは彼女のデビュー作品を楽しみにしています。 Fans are looking forward to her debut work. これからのアクションシーンも楽しみです。 The action scenes to come are also highly anticipated. 彼女の美しい体は、そのままの形で大切にしていただくことになるそうです。 Her beautiful body is said to be preserved in its original form with minimal digital mosaic. ファンが彼女の美しさをただに、それだけで満足できるだろうか? Will fans be able to find satisfaction just in her natural beauty
Release Date
Movie Length
128 minutesLong
Hao * Minami
Studio / Producer
Popularity Ranking
82800 / 511962
Other Names
1star00255, STAR255, STAR 255
Total Actresses
1 person
Actress Body Type
Voluptuous, Average Height
SubRip (SRT file)
Copyright Owner
Behind The Scenes (22 Photos)
Featured Actress: Riko Yamaguchi
Pricing & Formats
Subtitles & Translations
English Subtitles
Chinese Subtitles
Japanese Subtitles
French Subtitles