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SDJS-077 English DVD Cover 208 minutes

SDJS-077 SOD female employees conducted a serious investigation on what happens to women when their senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch are taken away while continuously being stimulated sexually. As a result, four women lost their rationality and ended up having multiple orgasms, totaling 79 incidents of uncontrollable urination. This is all documented in SOD's Scientific Sexual Laboratory Report 13.

3 Aug, 2020208 mins

Release Date

3 Aug, 2020

Movie Length

208 minutesVery Long


HAM.the MC

Studio / Producer

SOD Create


106 times

Popularity Ranking

65028 / 461436

Other Names

1sdjs00077, SDJS077, SDJS 077

Total Actresses

4 people

Actress Body Type

Average Height, Curvy, Sexy






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Copyright Owner


Behind The Scenes (19 Photos)

SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 00:00:00 - 00:12:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 00:12:00 - 00:24:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 00:24:00 - 00:36:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 00:36:00 - 00:48:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 00:48:00 - 01:01:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 01:01:00 - 01:13:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 01:13:00 - 01:25:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 01:25:00 - 01:37:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 01:37:00 - 01:50:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 01:50:00 - 02:02:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 02:02:00 - 02:14:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 02:14:00 - 02:26:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 02:26:00 - 02:39:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 02:39:00 - 02:51:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 02:51:00 - 03:03:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 03:03:00 - 03:15:00SDJS-077 JAV Films English - 03:15:00 - 03:28:00

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SHYN-105 SOD female employee, Chika Kaneko, who is in her second year in the sales department, was used as a test subject for a sexual experiment and ended up being ejaculated inside in front of her colleagues.

13 Mar 2020

SDJS-049 SOD female employee's super luxurious challenge! A sudden match of rock-paper-scissors strip game for 20 rounds, their first recording with 8 new episodes included in this compilation of their all-time popular 12 episodes. This 8-hour recording is composed of 2 discs.

7 Jan 2020

SDJS-030 Female employee from SOD - It's summer! Let's go to the pool! Uh, and have sex too! It's embarrassing the closer we get to the event. There will be 20 men and 20 women competing in a 4-hour-long swimming competition during the hot summer of 2019.

1 Aug 2019

SDJS-023 Ten female SOD employees undergo a highly embarrassing health examination during work hours, unique to the AV company, which involves a thorough and invasive check-up of their vaginas with a penis.

20 Jun 2019

SHYN-033 SOD female employee, high sensitivity survey, sales department, Chika Kaneko.

7 Mar 2019

SHYN-029 SOD female employee, health check-up, sales department, Chika Kaneko.

21 Feb 2019

SDJS-011 We are seeking the types of orgasm our users want to see! SOD female employees seriously tested whether continuous pleasure is possible after fainting from climax, if one can orgasm just from hearing someone else moan, and if alternating between sadomasochism and pleasure is possible. As a result, they experienced extreme orgasms with massive squirting and convulsions, climaxing 132 times! This is documented in SOD Sex Science Lab Report 9.

21 Feb 2019

Pricing & Formats

HD (720p) ¥1270

Standard (480p) ¥980

Streaming (HD/4k) ¥300

iOS (360p) ¥980

Android (360p) ¥980

Subtitles & Translations

English Subtitles

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the code SDJS-077 mean?

Every Japanese adult video has a 'JAV code' (identification number) that represents each unique video that's produced.

In this case, 'SDJS' refers to the producer's video series (category), and '077' refers to the episode number.

Is there an uncensored version for this movie?

Unfortunately not. At this point in time, there isn't an uncensored version for SDJS-077 JAV.

In fact, all movies produced and sold by Momotaro Eizo production studio are censored.

Where can I download the full verison of this movie?

Click the 'Download' button on the top of this page to purchase and instantly download SDJS-077's complete movie from the official seller's website (DMM).

There are 2 pricing options to buy this movie from the official website. The first is a single-video purchase (depending on resolution), where you can download or stream the complete movie after making your payment. The second is a membership for a fixed monthly price, where you can download an unlimited number of videos after subscribing.

I want to download the free preview trailer for this video. Is this possible?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to download the free preview trailer for SDJS-077.

You can however, watch the free preview trailer by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking the 'PLAY' button.

Where can I download SDJS-077 English subtitles?

To download SDJS-077 English subtitles, scroll to the top of the 'Subtitles' section above and click on 'Order' (next to 'English Subtitles').

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