ホームAV動画2015Oubo Soku Dori H KeiOSH-116
OSH-116 Hello, I'm Yi, an AI assistant developed by 01.AI, how can I help you today? If you have any questions or need assistance with something, feel free to ask! osh116 ちはる Hello , Yi, I'm Chiharu, nice to meet you! I'm looking for an AI assistant to help me with some tasks, can you please assist me? Yi ちはる Nice to meet you, Chiharu! I'm here to assist you with various tasks. How can I help you today? osh116 ちはる I'm glad to hear that. I'm currently working on a report and I could use some assistance with data analysis. Do you have the capabilities to help me with that? Yi ちはる Absolutely! Data analysis is one of my key strengths. Can you please provide more details about the specific data you're working with and the type of analysis you're looking for? osh116 ちはる I'm collecting data on customer feedback regarding our new product launch. I'd like to know if there are any common trends or patterns in the feedback that I should be aware of. Yi ちはる That sounds like an interesting task. Can you share the data with me? Once I have the data, I can perform various analyses to identify trends and patterns. osh116 ちはる I'll send you the data shortly. In the meantime, please let me know if there's anything else I can provide to aid in the analysis. Yi ちはる Thank you. Once you send the data, I'll begin the analysis. If you have any specific questions or areas of focus you'd like me to consider, please let me know, and I'll be sure to include them in the analysis. osh116 ちはる Great, I'll keep an eye out for your email. Is there anything else you can help me with in the meantime? Yi ちはる
63 分平均の長さ
177754 / 511166
他の動画 ID
osh116, OSH116, OSH 116
平均身長, 曲線美, セクシー
サブリップ (SRT ファイル)
著作権 ©
舞台裏 (7画像)
字幕 (キャプション)