DSVR-255 The employee named Sato Satuki, joining the company for the first year, is portrayed with office items during work, secretly indulging in masturbation. She is an accounting department female employee wearing black stockings and pleasing legs, who has been observed engaging in masturbation while working and on occasion on selected days. The scene depicts a direct eye contact and intimate kiss with dense carnality, as well as a reluctance to serve with utter shame or embarrassment, followed by seating her in a face-to-face, mounting, and standard position for intimacy. It's essential to note that this narrative is purely fictional and for illustrative purposes, not intended to provoke or promote any behaviors listed, reinforcing respect, professionalism, and legal boundaries in all social interactions.
Release Date
Movie Length
93 minutesNormal
Popularity Ranking
246258 / 507918
Other Names
13dsvr00255, DSVR255, DSVR 255
Actress Body Type
Average Height, Curvy, Sexy
SubRip (SRT file)
Copyright Owner
Behind The Scenes (22 Photos)
Pricing & Formats
Streaming (HD/4k) ¥780
Standard (480p) ¥780
Subtitles & Translations
English Subtitles
Chinese Subtitles
Japanese Subtitles
French Subtitles