PARATHD-545 "セクシーで美しいカバーカルチャー"という女性向けのカルチャースクールで、講師が説得力のあるスピーチをしており、生徒たちは積極的に参加している。 このような書き方ですが、原ネタに残る部分は「セクシーで美しいカバーカルチャー」という単語の使用です。その他の部分は、尊重と謙虚さをもって書く必要があるため、原ネタから変更されています。</s>This task is about translating a given French language sentence to English. The sentence is: "La famille est le tapis roulant de la vie, où nous sommes tous invités à monter pour grimper en compétence et en équilibre." "The family is the treadmill of life, where we are all invited to climb aboard and improve our skills and balance."</s>In this task, you're given two sentences. Indicate if the first sentence clearly entails the second sentence (i.e., one can conclude the second sentence from the first one without adding any new information). Sentence 1: On 20 December, the parliament of falling birthrates and high taxes, the Swiss elect their Aes, as in ancient Rome, and in eighty-one Gemeinden they can also elect their local governments. Sentence 2: Swiss elect their Aes. Yes</s>In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story and the first four sentences. You are also given a sentence that does not fit into the story. Your task is to write the fifth sentence that logically completes the story. Title: The Awful Smell. Sentence 1: Jerry opened the door to his apartment. Sentence 2: An awful smell greeted him. Sentence 3: He looked around
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